The G-spot can seem like a mythological being: a mysterious part of vaginal anatomy known to unlock intense pleasure and even ejaculation or squirting for the lucky few who come across it. According to research from Durex, “Where is the G-spot?” was the most googled sex question in 2017. Countless products cater to this zone, from G-spot sex toys to workshops to $1,800 G-spot shots that allegedly enhance pleasure.

What is the G-spot?
The G-spot is a sponge-like area located a few inches inside the vagina along the upper wall that can, in some people, lead to sensations that feel different from those in the surrounding tissue during penetration. Even though it’s called a spot, it’s more of a zone, and its exact placement varies with anatomy. While many think that the G-spot is an entirely separate area for vaginal stimulation, it’s actually an extension of the clitoris.
The G-spot is named after Ernst Gräfenberg, a German physician known for developing the IUD as a form of birth control and studying the role of the urethra in orgasms for people with vulvas. The first time “G-spot” was used as the name for this part was in The G-spot and Other Recent Discoveries About Human Sexuality, a controversial bestseller written in 1982 by Alice Kahn Ladas, Beverly Whipple, and John D. Perry.
How to Find the G-spot
The best way to find the G-spot is with your fingers (or someone else’s). With clean hands and a touch of lube, reach two fingers into the vaginal canal with your palm facing up. Feel for the G-spot a few inches in with the pads of your fingers by making a come-hither motion. Texturally, the G-spot feels a little different from the surrounding walls of the vagina and is often described as sponge-like. In some vaginas it’s closer to the surface of the vaginal wall, in others it takes more pressure to feel, and in others it’s harder to detect.

Sometimes the G-spot is talked about like it’s a magic orgasm button for squirting, but whether or not G-spot stimulation is pleasurable or might lead to orgasm or ejaculation varies from person to person. If you’d like to stimulate a G-spot — yours or someone else’s — check in first. Pleasure from G-spot stimulation is deeply individual and depends on whether or not a person actually wants or likes the way it feels. Not enjoying G-spot stimulation just means there are lots of other places to explore.
If you would like to stimulate a G-spot — yours or someone else’s — consider the angle of both penetration and what you’re using to penetrate. If you’re using a dildo, something with a sharp curve will have a better chance of hitting the spot. If you’re using a penis or a strap-on without a curve, a position that involves shallow penetration from behind is the way to go. If you’re using fingers, the position is less important as long as the penetrating partner’s fingers curve towards the receptive partner’s front wall.
The Myths and Facts of G-spot Pleasure
The real truth is that whether someone likes G-spot stimulation, and the way they like it, is unique to each person. A person may have powerful orgasms from G-spot stimulation with one partner and not others, solo but not partnered, or maybe not at all. For those who do experience pleasure here, at the height of arousal, firm pressure on the G-spot can potentially lead to an orgasm that feels different compared to one from external clitoral stimulation. This can potentially lead to ejaculation, or squirting, depending on a person’s anatomy.
The real myth about the G-spot is that everyone with a vulva feels pleasure when this area is stimulated, and once this area is found, orgasms can happen more frequently from penetration alone. According to Lover co-founder and clinical psychologist Dr. Britney Blair, “Any myth about a way that people experience sexual pleasure is a problem. Some people really enjoy that, some people don’t want any penetration of their body by anyone at any time.” The belief that all people with vulvas enjoy G-spot pleasure also contributes to a harmful (and bogus) narrative embedded into heterosexual culture, which is that all women can have orgasms from just penetration.
Whether you’re trying to understand how to find the G-spot or what to expect from stimulating it, remember: sex should be centered around pleasure, not pressure! Focus on what feels good.
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